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Difusi Inovasi Pembelajaran Tematik di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/ ASEP EDIANA LATIP

The general objective of this research is to solve the problem of the thematic learning innovation process in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Specifically, it aims to analyze the attribute level of thematic learning innovations, the communication channels used, the speed of adoption of innovations in 2013-2019, the process of thematic learning innovations in organizations, and the active role of change agents in the process of adopting thematic learning innovations in South Tangerang. The research approach used is quantitative with diffusion research methods. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that there was a diffusion process of thematic learning innovations in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in 2013-2019. This process is proven by 85% who perceive the attributes of thematic learning innovations as relatively positive innovations, so that they are positively related to the rate of adoption of thematic learning innovations. Furthermore, there is the use of various types of communication in thethematic learning innovation decision process at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, most of which come from 73% of mass communication channels, and 23% of the use of interpersonal communication channels. The speed of time, the speed of adoption of thematic learning innovations in the innovation decision process, requires a time span of 2013-2019 consisting of 21 people (8%) in 2013, 28 people (10%) in 2014. 40 people (14%) in 2015, 56 people ( 20%) in 2016, 48 people (17%) in 2017, 50 people (18%) in 2018, and 36 people(13%) in 2019. In the innovation decision process the organization that manages it with 253 people (91%) has the initiative, and then 231 people (83%) stated that they decided to implement thematic learning innovations. There is also an active role of change agents in the process of adopting thematic learning innovations from various groups consisting of internal change agents, namely 135 people (48%), there are 76 people (27%) as external change agents, there are 64 people (23%) change agents resource group for an activity related to thematic learning innovation, and there were 4 people (1%) independently. These findings recommend the application of thematic learning innovations at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, South Tangerang and optimizing the development of its implementation through various activities involving the synergy of practitioners, academics and madrasah services.
Keyword: Diffusion, Thematic Learning Innovations, Innovation Attributes, Communication Channels, Innovation Adoption Rates, Innovation Processes in Organizations, and Innovation Change Agents.


D0018PD/ds D0018Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

Detail Information

Series Title
Call Number
PD/ds D0018
Publisher Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
xviii, 343 hlm. : ilus. ; 29 cm.
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Cetakan ke- 1
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