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Pengaruh Strategi Pelatihan Parenting dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Ibu dengan Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun : Penelitian eksperimen pada ibu di PAUD Non Formal Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2018 /Adiyati Fathu Roshonah
Penelitian ini bertujuanuntukmengetahuipengaruh strategi pelatihanparentingdantingkat pendidikan terhadap kemampuan berkomunikasi ibudengananak usia 4-5 tahun diPAUD non formal Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Metode penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangantreatment by level 2x2, sampel 34 orang ibu, menggunakan instrumen kemampuanberkomunikasi. Pelatihanparentingstrategiproblem based learning(PBL)danexperientiallearning(EL) dilaksanakansesuai sintaks pelatihanmasing-masing 8(delapan)kalipertemuan@ 90 menit selama 2 (dua) bulan.Tingkat pendidikan tinggi yakni SMA ke atas,dan tingkat pendidikan rendah yakni SMP ke bawah (SMP, SDdan tidak sekolah). Tehnikanalisa data menggunakan ANOVA dengan uji F pada taraf signifikansi 0,05.Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa: 1) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kemampuan berkomunikasi ibupeserta pelatihanparentingstrategi PBL dibandingEL. Hasil analisis varians 2x2 Fhitung18,76>Ftabel4,17 pada taraf signifikansiα=0,05.Nilairata-rata skor kemampuan berkomunikasi ibupeserta pelatihanparentingstrategiPBLx̅224,56lebih tinggi dibanding ELx̅217,3. Artinyakemampuan berkomunikasi peserta pelatihanparentingstrategi PBL (A1)lebih tinggi daripadaEL (A2);2) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kemampuan berkomunikasi ibuberpendidikan tinggi dibanding ibu berpendidikan rendah. Hasil analisis varians 2x2 Fhitung8,552>Ftabel4,17 pada taraf signifikansiα=0,05.Nilairata-rata skor kemampuanberkomunikasi ibuberpendidikan tinggix̅223,32 lebih tinggi daripadaibuberpendidikanrendahx̅218,40. Artinya kemampuan berkomunikasi ibuberpendidikan tinggi(B1)lebihtinggi daripada ibu berpendidikan rendah(B2);3) Terdapat pengaruh interaksi yang signifikanantara strategi pelatihanparentingdan tingkat pendidikan terhadap kemampuan berkomunikasiibu. Hasil analisis varians 2x2 Fhitung43,683>Ftabel4,17 padataraf signifikansiα=0,05;4)Terdapat perbedaan signifikan kemampuan berkomunikasi peserta pelatihanparentingstrategiPBL, antara ibu berpendidikan tinggi dan ibu berpendidikan rendah. Hasil uji lanjut T-Dunnetmenunjukkan bahwa thitung6,30> ttabel2,042 pada taraf signifikansi α=0,05.Skor rata-ratakemampuan berkomunikasi ibuberpendidikan tinggipesertapelatihanparentingstrategiPBL(A1B1)x̅229,67dan skor rata-rata kemampuan berkomunikasi ibuberpendidikan tinggipesertapelatihanparentingstrategiEL(A2B1)x̅212,43.Artinya untuk ibu berpendidikantinggi kemampuan berkomunikasinya akan lebih tinggi jika mengikuti pelatihanparentingstrategiPBLdaripadaEL;5)Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kemampuan berkomunikasiibupeserta pelatihanparentingstrategi EL, antara ibu berpendidikan tinggi dan ibuberpendidikan rendah. Hasil uji lanjut T-Dunnetmenunjukkan bahwa thitung2,64> ttabel2,042pada taraf signifikansi α=0,05.Skor rata-rata kemampuan berkomunikasi ibu berpendidikanrendahpesertapelatihanparentingstrategiPBL (A1B2)x̅214,33danskor rata-ratakemampuan berkomunikasi ibu berpendidikan rendah peserta pelatihanparentingstrategiEL(A2B2)x̅221,11.Artinya untuk ibu berpendidikan rendah kemampuanberkomunikasinyaakan lebih tinggi jika mengikuti pelatihanparentingstrategiELdaripadaPBL. Disimpulkanbahwa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi ibu dengan anak usia 4-5 tahun diProvinsi DKI Jakarta, strategi pelatihanparentingsebaiknya memperhatikan tingkatpendidikan ibu. Ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi lebih cocok mengikuti pelatihanparentingstrategi PBL dan ibu berpendidikan rendah lebih cocok mengikuti pelatihanparentingstrategiEL.Kata Kunci : KemampuanBerkomunikasi, Strategi PelatihanParenting,TingkatPendidikan
THE EFFECT OF PARENTING TRAINING STRATEGY AND EDUCATION LEVEL ONMOTHER COMMUNICATION ABILITY WITH CHILDREN AGE 4-5 YEARS(Experimental Research on Mothers in PAUD Non Formal DKI Jakarta Province, 2018)Adiyati Fathu Roshonah, Fasli Jalal, Elindra research aims to determinethe effect of parenting training strategies and education levelson the ability to communicate with mothers and children aged 4-5 years in non-formal PAUDin DKI Jakarta Province. Experimental research method with 2x2 treatment by level design, asampleof 34 mothers, using communication skills instruments. Parenting problem basedlearning (PBL) and experiential learning (EL) training was carried out according to thetraining syntax of 8 (eight) meetings @ 90 minutes each for 2 (two) months. The level ofeducation is high, namely high school and above, and the level of education is low, namelyjunior high school (junior high, elementary and not school). Data analysis techniques usedANOVA with the F test at a significance level of 0.05. The results showedthat: 1) There is asignificant difference between the communication skills of mothers participating in PBLstrategy parenting training compared to EL. The results of the analysis of variance 2x2Fcount18.76>Ftable4.17 at the significance level α = 0.05. The average score of the communicationskills scores of mothers participating in the PBL strategy parenting training x̅ 224.56 is higherthan EL x̅ 217.3. This means that the communication skills of PBL (A1)parenting strategyparticipants are higher than EL (A2); 2) There is a significant difference between thecommunication skills of highly educated mothers compared to mothers of low education. Theresults of the analysis of variance 2x2Fcount8.552>Ftable4.17 at the significance levelα =0.05. The average score of communication ability scores of highly educated mothers x̅ 223.32 ishigher than mothers of low educatedx̅218.40. This means that the communication skills ofhighly educated mothers (B1)are higher thanthose of low educated mothers (B2); 3) There is asignificant interaction effect between parenting training strategies and education level onmothers communication skills. The results of the analysis of variance 2x2Fcount43.683>Ftable4.17 at the significance level α = 0.05;4) There is a significant difference in thecommunication skills of PBL strategy parenting trainees, between mothers with high educationand women with low education. T-Dunnet further test results showedthattcount6.30>ttable2.042 at a significance level α = 0.05. The mean score of communication skills of highlyeducated mothers participating in PBL strategy parenting training (A1B1)x̅229.67 and theaverage score of communication skills of highly educated mothers in parenting strategy ELtrainees (A2B1)x̅ 212.43. This means that for mothers with high education the communicationskills will be higher if they take part in PBL strategy parenting training than EL; 5) There is asignificant difference in the communication skills of mothers participating in EL strategyparenting training, between mothers with high education and mothers with low education. T-Dunnet further test results showedthattcount2.64>ttable2.042 at a significance level α = 0.05.The mean score of communication skills of low educated mothers training participants in PBLstrategy parenting (A1B2)x̅214.33 and the average score of communication skills of loweducated mothers training participants in parenting strategy EL (A2B2)x̅221.11. This meansthat for women with low education the communication ability will be higher if they take ELstrategy parenting training than PBL. It was concluded that to improvethe ability tocommunicate with mothers and children aged 4-5 years in DKI Jakarta Province, parentingtraining strategies should pay attention to the level of mother's education. Mothers with highereducation are better suited to take part in PBL strategy parenting training and mothers withlow education are better suited to take part in EL parenting strategy training.Keywords: Communication Ability, Parenting Training Strategy, Level Education
D0240 | PAUD/ds D0240 | Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJ | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
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PAUD/ds D0240
Publisher | Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ., 2019 |
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xiii, 254 hlm, ; Ilus: 29,5 cm
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Cetakan Ke- 1
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