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Model Diklat Persaingan Usaha dalam Meningkatkan Kapasitas dan Komitmen Pada Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha Republik Indonesia / Yogi Sumarsana Wibowo

Birth of Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition is the answer to the demands of economic reform in 1988. Considering that KPPU as the only institution that handles law enforcement in the field of business competition, it is necessary to have high employee competence and commitment, especially for investigators as the initial spearhead of a case or case. The success of a KPPU case is greatly influenced by the professionalism of an investigator so that it requires competence gained from education and training so that the investigator can handle such complex cases.Evaluation of the results of education and training in this study uses analysis of context, inputs, processes, and products. First, in the context component, the urgency of this program is already very high, although the opportunity for implementation is still in the category of "medium" because there are still some limitations, namely the availability of infrastructure, facilitators and the program's sustainability budget. Secondly, the results of evaluating input components are generally categorized as high. However, some things need to be improved, namely the operational fund allocation for training facilities such as rooms, internet parking space facilities, timeliness in organizing the implementation of activities, distribution of tasks to team members. Third, in the Process Evaluation, the five aspects in the process component evaluated are categorized as quite high and very adequate including aspects of training implementation, administration of program implementation, financial administration, and aspects of Monitoring and Evaluation. Fourth, in product evaluation, four categories are assessed and scored to see the degree of actualization. All four have a "High" degree of actualization so that it can be concluded thatthe investigator's functional education and training program that has been carried out by the KPPU's technical implementation unit has met the objective standards of product components namely the investigator's Education and Training program can increase the speed and competence of investigators in preparing suspected violations. able to increase the competence of investigators in formulating suspected violations, the Education and Training Program can increase investigators' competence in determining alleged violations, and the Education and Training Program can improve the competency of investigators in preparing decisions, objection responses, a memory of cassation, a memory of reconsideration and execution of decisions.The Model of the Education and Training Program can increase their responsibility and pride in their duties as investigators, so that they will increase their knowledge capacity in business competition knowledge and will always be committed to their duties and responsibilities as investigators and organizations.Through this model, it is expected to be able to contribute to KPPU, but it can also be a reference that a model for Education is needed that is the main core of the business of the Ministry or Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia in increasing human resource capacity and committed to the duties and responsibilities of both individuals and organizations.Finally, the comissioner’s Commitment and Investigator's Commitment to improve investigators' competencies and to fulfill the desired competencies requires commitment from both the commissioners and the investigators themselves. Based on the description of the research data, it can be concluded that the commitment of the Commissioners, both affective and normative commitments, has shown good results and needs to be continuously improved for the sustainability of KPPU's performance.Keywords: CIPP Evaluation, Capacity, OrganizationCommitment


D0294MP/ds D0294Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
Call Number
MP/ds D0294
Publisher Prodi Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
xiii, 452 hlm,; Ilus : 29,5 cm
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Cetakan Ke- 1
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