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Hubungan Terpaan Berita Lingkungan dan Rasa Ingin Tahu tentang Isu Lingkungan dengan Perilaku Penolakan Produk Tidak Ramah Lingkungan : Sebuah studi korelasi pada karyawan divisi pemberitaan TV Perum LKBN Antara / M. Sunu Probo BAskoro

This research is the research of korelasional consisting of two free variables
and bound variables are one. Free variables in this study was exposure to
Environmental News and curiosity over environmental issues, while the bound
variable is the behavior for the rejection of products are not eco-friendly. The purpose
of this research was to know is there a relationship between exposure to
Environmental News with Rejection Behavior products are not eco-friendly, well know
is the relationship between Curiosity over environmental issues with no Product
Rejection Behavior Eco-friendly as well as the relationship of the second variable is
free i.e. exposure to Environmental News and curiosity over environmental issues
with Rejection Behavior products are not eco-friendly.
Research carried out on Nationwide News Agency employee Among TV
news coverage of Division in December 2018 until January 2019. Using the sample
as many as 60 people were taken using a simple random sampling method, using
the technique of data collection questionnaire and field observations. The research
found that there is a positive relationship between exposure to Environmental News
with Rejection Behavior products are not eco-friendly, in addition also found a
positive relationship between Curiosity over environmental issues with Rejection
Behavior Products are not eco-friendly. The second variable is free it also has a
positive relationship with the behaviour of the rejection of products are not ecofriendly. When exposure to Environmental News and curiosity over environmental
issues is improved then the behavior of the rejection of products are not eco-friendly.
Key word: Media Exposure, Environmental News, Curiosity over environmental
issues, Behavior of products not eco-friendly


T0439ML/ts T0439Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

Detail Information

Series Title
Call Number
ML/ts T0439
Publisher Prodi Magister Manajemen Lingkungan Pascasarjana UNJ : Jakarta.,
xii, 68 +... hlm, : Ilus ; 29 cm.
Content Type
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Cetakan Ke- 1
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Statement of Responsibility

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