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Pengaruh Transformasional Leadership Melalui Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction dan JobSelf-Efficacy terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Petugas Lapas di Nusakambangan / Heni Yuwono

Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan pendalaman dan perluasan IPTEKS baru melalui risetuntuk menguji dan menganalisistentang pengaruh Transformational Leadershipterhadap Organizational Citizenship Behaviorpada petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) di Nusakambangan denganbaik secara langsung maupun melalui mediasi ketiga variabel yaitu Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfactiondan Job Self-Efficacy. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dan metode penelitian berupa survei yang dilakukan terhadap seluruh petugas Lapas di Nusakambangan. Kemudian serangkaian hipotesis penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak statistik AMOS 2.4. Pengujian hipotesis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data empirik yang diperoleh dari hasil jawaban kuesioner dari 395 pegawai dengan jumlah populasi 224 pegawai Lapas di Nusakambangan. Penentuan sampel penelitian mempergunakan teknik proportional purposive samplingyaitu perolehan sampel mempergunakan kriteria tertentu. Sampel Pegawai dengan kriteria Pegawai Lapas di Nusakambangan yang berhubungan langsung dengan WBP dalam mengerjakan tugas dan fungsinya sehari-hari. Hasil uji kesesuaian model struktural menunjukkan model struktural sudah dapat diterima. Hasil penelitian ini menambah keterbatasan literature dan memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh Organizational Citizenship Behaviordengan variable Transformational Leadershipbaik secara langsung maupunmelalui variable lain yaitu Affective Organization Commitment, Job Satisfactiondan Job Self Efficacy.Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan novelty adanya mediasi penuhdari 3 variabel sekaligus (triple mediation) yaituvariabel Affective Organization Commitment, Job Satisfactiondan Job Self Efficacyterhadap pengaruhtransformasional leadershipkepada organizational citizenship behavior.Kata Kunci:Prison Officer, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Transformational Leadership, Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Job Self-Efficacy.
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP INFLUENCE THROUGH AFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT, JOB SATISFACTION, AND JOB SELF-EFFICACY ON ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR OF NUSAKAMBANGAN PRISON OFFICERSAbstractThe purpose of this research was to deepen and expand the new science and technology through research to examine and analyze on the influence of TransformationalLeadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Correctional Institution officers in Nusakambangan with, either directly or through mediation of the three variables, namely Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Self-Efficacy.with a multidisciplinary approach.This research is a quantitative research conducted on all Nusakambangan Prison officers. Empirical hypotheses were tested using AMOS 2.4 software. This hypothesis test was conducted using empirical data obtained from questionnaire answers from 224 employees with a population of 395 nusakambangan prison officers. Determination of research samples using proportional purposive sampling techniques that are the acquisition of samples using certain criteria. Sample of Officerswith criteria of Nusakambangan Prison Officers and directly related to inmates in performing their daily duties and functions. The results of the structural model conformity test show the structural model is already acceptable. The results of this study add to the limitations of literature and provide empirical evidence on the relationship of Organizational Citizenship Behavior with transformational leadership variables either directly or through other variables namely Affective Organization Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Self Efficacy. From the results of this study, it was found that there was a full mediation of 3 variables at once (triple mediation), namely Affective Organization Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Job Self Efficacy variables on the influence of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior.Keyword: Organizational Citizenship Behavior,Transformational Leadership,Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Job Self-Efficacy.


D0493IM/ds D0493Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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IM/ds D0493
Publisher Prodi Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
xxiii, 283 hlm. : Ilus. ; 29 cm.
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