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Pengembangan Model Latihan Shooting Berbasis Multiple Unit Offence Untuk Atlet Bola Basket Kelompok Usia 16-18 Tahun / FAKHRI FAJRIN KURNIAWAN

The goal of this research and development is to produce and develop the effectiveness of themodel of drills shooting basketball for basketball athletes 16-18 years age group.Methods and innovations in shooting techniques based on multiple unit offenses by prioritizing an understanding of shooting space techniques, variations of offense (attack), and timing for shooting, which uses basketball shooting machine.In shooting basketballtechniques before automation, each series of movementsshootingbasketball, has motor learningsystemin every phase of its movement. In phaseof basketball shooting movements included in the open loop control system in every phase of the movement that has been planned in advance. Thisresearch anddevelopment uses qualitative and quantitative approaches and uses development research methodsResearch and Development (R & D) that adopt the theory of Borg W. Rand Gall. M. D which uses 10stages of development. Thisdevelopment researchresulted in practice model products shooting with practice manuals shooting andpracticevideos shooting. The results of processing normality test data with Shapiro-Wilk obtained outputthe total testlay up shoot, set and jump shoot, threepoint shoot obtained the Sig or the p-value of all data> 0.05,which means population data of ability test resultsshooting basketball for basketball athletes 16-18 years age groupdistributed normally. In addition, the homogeneity test obtained valuesSig Based on Meanof all data> 0.05, which meansvariance data of the Post Test group for the Control Class and the Experiment Class were the same or homogeneous. Then the hypothesis test withPaired Samples Testobtained valuesSig (2-tailed)of all data


D0456PENJAS/ds FAK 2021Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
Call Number
PENJAS/ds D0456
Publisher Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Jasmani Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
xiv, 281 hlm. : ilus. ; 29,5 cm
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Cetakan Ke- 1
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