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Pengembangan Multimeda dengan Model Simulasi pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronik di SMK Kelas X/ Aria Setia Ningrum

This study aims to produce multimedia with a simulation model for Basic Electrical and Electronics subjects, test the feasibility of multimedia with a simulation module developed for usein Basic Electrical and Electronics subjects, and test the effectiveness of multimedia with a simulation model developed for use in Basic Electrical subjects. and Electronics. This study uses the Bergman and Moore development model which has six stages, namely analysis, design, development, production, merging, and validation. The feasibility test was obtained based on expert studies conducted by material experts as well as media and learning design experts. Expert review is used to see the feasibility of multimedia and improve multimedia. After the multimedia was improved, it was then tested on class X SMK students. Media and instructional design experts gave suggestions on the product to add material conclusions and the placement of learning objectives andmultimedia could be used for learning after going through the revision process. Then review the material experts on this multimedia stating that the material is adequate and can be used for learning. The results of the feasibility test show that the multimedia with the simulation model developed is in the very feasible category with an average value of 83.7%. The effectiveness test was carried out by giving pre-test and post-test to class X SMK students with analysis using the N-Gain formula. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the average score of students before using multimedia was 51.33 and after using multimedia was 78.67. Based on the N-gain value of 0.59 or in percent is 59% with a fairly effective category, learning using multimedia isable to improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Development, Multimedia, Simulation


T0640TP/ts T0640Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
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TP/ts T0640
Publisher Prodi Magister Teknologi Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ : Jakarta.,
xi, 100 hlm. : ilus. ; 29,5 cm
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Cetakan ke- 1
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