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Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris dengan Menggunakan Model pembelajaran Berbasis Tugas : Penelitian tindakan di sebuah perguruan tinggi

Speaking isa skill requiring mastery of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency, so that students can convey the proper meaning and those involved in the conversation can understand messages properly. Unfortunately, based on the results of interviews with lecturers, oral tests at the beginning, and pre-observation, it shows that the students of English Literature Language Program at Pamulang University did not master the use of the aspects of language in speaking.It triggered the writerto do an action researchabout speaking skill at this university.This research aims to improve the students speaking skillsin English class by applying Task Based Learning Model. Research methodology used was Reil Action Research, in which the steps include: learning and planning, taking action, collecting information and analysis, and reflection(Reil in Melter, 2009). The participants of the research were 15 students from third semester of academic year 2018-2019. Technique of gathering data in this research comprises (1)pre-observation, (2)interviewing lecturers, (3)pre-test, (4)observation in each cycle by a collaborator, (5)writing journal of learning activities by the researcher, (6) video recording and photo documentation, (7)oral test at the end of each cycle from 3 cycles completed. The researcher analyzed qualitative data through pre-observation, interview to lecturer, and classroom observation, as well as teaching journal of classroom activities. To analyze quantitative data, the researcher used pre-test and test results from each cycle. The findings indicate that the action research by implementing Task Based Learning Model can increase students‟ speaking skillsin English based on the aspects of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, and fluency.The action research process facilitates the teacheras a researcherto reflect in order to make a decision for the solution to learning.Keywords: English speaking skills, Task Based Learning Model, Action Research


2022019319rimLT/sin HIL 2021Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
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LT/sin HIL 2021
Publisher Prodi Doktor Linguistik Terapan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
67 hlm.:ilus ; 21 cm
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