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Model Pengembangan Bahan ajar Tematik Terintegrasi E-Learning untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Digital Siswa Sekolah Dasar/ Apit Dulyapit

The demand for students' digital literacy skills needs to be increased, considering that life's problems are increasingly complex. Things that can be done in the world of education include the development of teaching materials that are adapted to science and technology. The research objective was to develop e-learning-integrated thematic teaching materials to improve the digital literacy skills of fourth-grade elementary school students. The model for developing teaching materials was designed and developedthrough an in-depth theoretical study by considering the elementary school students' characteristics. Furthermore, this research used the R & D research method to develop the Dick and Carey Model and the Hannafin & Peck model, which was carried out in Depok City, West Java. The feasibility test was carried out through theoretical and empirical validations. Theoretical validation involved three experts with different scientific characteristics according to their expertise. Then, the average percentage of assessment was 80%. Empirical validation was carried out based on the results of the teacher's assessment by providing an assessment of 96.24% and try-outs in three elementary schools with two stages, namely the one-to-one try out with a total percentage of 97.97% and the small group trial with a total percentage of 96.23%. The results showed that the feasibility of the teaching materials development model was in the excellent criteria. The effectiveness test was carried out through practical and empirical effectiveness tests. The practical effectiveness test meant testing the model of teaching materials developed by comparing the results of the pretest and posttest without doing the t-test, an average increase of 11.78%. The empirical effectiveness test with the experimental test used SPSS IBM Statistics 25. Therefore, it can be concluded from the results that using the thematic teaching material development model had a more significant effect on students' learning outcomes and could improve the digital literacy skills of fourth-grade elementary school students. Based on this description, the thematic teaching materials developed were appropriate for teachers and students to use offline and online learning.
Keywords: Research development, thematic, e-learning, digital literacy


2022019427apiPD/sin API 2022Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
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PD/sin API 2022
Publisher Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
51 hlm. : ilus. ; 21 cm
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