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Green Consumer Behavior (GCB) Didasarkan pada Kepribadian (Big-Five Personality) Mahasiswa Terhadap Lingkungan dan gender: Studi Expost- Facto pada Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Jakarta/ Cholilawati

An understanding of green consumer behavior (GCB) can be used
to determine personality and gender. A good understanding of environmentally friendly consumer behavior on students depends on an accurate student personality. Gender is also a social category that is reflected in behavior.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether students' personalities on the environment and gender affect green consumer behavior
(GCB). This study uses survey methods and ex-post facto techniques
with a 2x2 design involving 200 students at Jakarta State University as
samples in this study.
There are two instruments in this study to measure personality (58
items, reliability 0.907) and GCB (34 items, reliability 0.85). Data were
analyzed with descriptive statistics, inferential statistics for the linearity
test, homogeneity with the Barlett test, and the two-way Anova was
followed by the Tukey test. The results showed that (1) There were
significant differences between GCB students who had accurate personalities and inaccurate personalities, (2) There were differences in the
GCB of students felt by men and women, (3) For students who were
considered to be men who have an accurate personality, GCB is more
positive than an inaccurate personality, (4) For students who are
perceived by women who have an accurate personality, GCB is more
positive than an inaccurate personality, and (5) There is an interaction
between personality and gender in students GCB. Not always an
accurate personality is more useful or useful for GCB, but it needs to be
seen first whether these students are perceived as male or perceived as
female by the community.
Keywords: Personality, gender, green consumer behavior (GCB)


2024000208choPL/sin CHO 2020Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
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PL/sin CHO 2020
Publisher Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Lingkungan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
vi, 23 hlm. ;ilus ;20,5 cm
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Cetakan ke- 1
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