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The Effect of Colaborative learning Model and Personality Type on Environmental Sensitivity: Penelitian eksperimen pasa siswa kelas X-Akutansi SMK Yatindo Bekasi/ Aminah Zuhriyah

This study aims to determine the effect of collaborative learning models on environmental sensitivity, related to structured problem-solving techniques and learning cell
techniques and personality types related to extrovert and introvert types, in Natural
Sciences subjects. This study used an experimental method with the ANAVA 2 x 2
model and the research design (R) O1 X O2 and (R) O1 X O2, for students of class X1 & 2 Accounting at Yatindo Vocational High School, Bekasi City, taking the research sample as much 60 students were given collaborative learning model treatment with structured problem-solving techniques and learning cells. The results of
this study are: 1). There is a difference in the influence between students who learn
collaborative learning models of structured problem solving techniques and students
who learn learning models of cell learning techniques on environmental sensitivity.
2). There is a difference in the influence between extravert personality type students
and introvert personality type students on environmental sensitivity. 3). There is an
interaction effect between collaborative learning models and personality types on
students' environmental sensitivity. 4). There is a difference in the effect between
extroverted students who learn collaborative learning models of structured problemsolving techniques and collaborative learning models of cell learning techniques on
environmental sensitivity. 5). There is a difference in the influence of introverted
students who learn collaborative learning models of structured problem-solving techniques and collaborative learning models of cell learning techniques on environmental sensitivity. 6). There is a difference in the influence between extroverted and introverted students who learn collaborative learning models of structured problemsolving techniques on environmental sensitivity. 7). There is a difference in the influence between extrovert and introvert students who learn the collaborative learning
model of cell learning techniques on environmental sensitivity.
Keywords: Environmental Sensitivity; Personality Type; Collaborative Learning Mode


2024000206amiPL/sin AMI 2021Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable

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Series Title
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PL/sin AMI 2021
Publisher Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Lingkungan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,
44 hlm. :ilus ;21 cm
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